Felix Marsh-Wakefield - Profile

Felix Marsh-Wakefield is a post-doctoral researcher part of the Liver Injury & Cancer Program (Centenary Institute) and Human Cancer & Viral Immunology Laboratory (University of Sydney). He is an immunologist interested in investigating the role of various immune cells in a range of diseases, including hepatocellular carcinoma and multiple sclerosis. This primarily involves bioinformatics to assist in the analysis of high dimensional data, including that of imaging mass cytometry. He is part of the Marylou Ingram Scholarship Program run by the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC).

Felix was awarded his Immunology PhD in 2018 at The University of Sydney, for his work investigating the ability of mast cells to activate regulatory B cells. This project involved the use of high dimensional cytometry, particularly mass cytometry. These skills were then used during his first post-doc, where he interrogated circulating immune cells in multiple sclerosis patients after disease-modifying therapeutics, including alemtuzumab and cladribine. During this time, he became experienced in coding and bioinformatics, which he has since applied in a range of disease contexts including multiple sclerosis, multiple myeloma, and COVID-19. This provided him the opportunity present his work at multiple international and national conferences.

Felix is interested in continuing the exploration of the immune system in any (and all) diseases, using computers to do the brunt of the work so he can spend more time being a DM for D&D.

Contact info

   Email logo Email: felix.marsh-wakefield@sydney.edu.au
   Twitter logo Twitter: @doc_merlin

Sites and academic profiles

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