King lab (2012 - 2016): inflammatory response of the bone marrow during viral encephalitis

King lab (2012 - 2016): inflammatory response of the bone marrow during viral encephalitis

Inflammatory response of the bone marrow during viral encephalitis

  • BM mobilsation in viral encephalitis, starting with flow

Stanford University and Australia’s first CyTOF

  • CyTOF (Stanford)
  • CAPX
  • Large flow panels
  • Bone marrow mobilisation

High-dimensional flow cytometry

  • PFC roadshow

Sydney Cytometry Facility (2017 - present): high-dimensional cytometry, spatial, and single-cell technologies

  • HD flow with LSR-X – this with analysis strategies applied to range of projects (e.g. Hofer); and WNV/ZIKV
  • Starting up IMC with the facility + analysis
  • Spectral cytometry
  • Now scRNAseq

  • CYTO Asia State of the Art talk
  • Numerous talks since

  • CURRENTLY: HD spectral, IMC, analysis, scRNAseq, multiomics

Immune Dynamics initiative (2017 - present): development of novel single-cell and computational methods for single-cell systems immunology

  • Started collaborative initiative between SC, path, and CS
  • Initially with solving HD analysis and ‘time-series’ analysis problems
  • MBI funding
  • Spectre
  • Timeseries: ChronoClust, TrackSOM
  • Spatial analysis: SpectreMAP
  • Human Cell atlas: Meetings in 2018, 2019 – HD cytometry and our approaches benefit from, and/or contribute to HCA

  • Applied to COVID-19 and ZIKV, among others…

  • Featured in OSC etc

  • CURRENTLY: data integration an application to comprehensively map…