
Introduction: New computational methods of analysis allow for comprehensive exploration of high-dimensional cytometry datasets, providing unique insights into cell biology and the immune response to disease. However, the application of these new methods can be inherently challenging. To address these challenges, the Immune Dynamics team and Sydney Cytometry Core Research Facility are pleased to run the High-Dimensional Analysis Homeshow again in 2021, covering key topics such as data preparation, clustering, dimensionality reduction, data visualisation, batch alignment, statistical analysis, validation. The homeshow is suitable for both beginners and those more experienced in high-dimensional analysis, and two workshop streams will be offered to accomodate these levels of experience.

The 2021 roadshow is run with support from the Systems Immunology special interest group (SIG) of the Australia and New Zealand Society for Immunology, the Australasian Cytometry Society, and the Oz Single Cell consortium.

Key details

Dates: Monday 17-July to Wednesday 19-July 2021: daily presentations (1000 - 1130 AEST) and workshops (1400 - 1600 AEST).

Format: Daily presentations (1.5 hrs) and hands-on workshops (2 hrs) on various aspects of high-dimensional analysis,

Location: Online, with recordings to be made available.


  • Lectures: free
  • Workshops (viewing only): free
  • Workshops (interactive attendance): $XX per person per workshop ($XX for students) (max 30 places in each days workshop)

Registration: REGISTER HERE


Monday - introduction of high-dimensional cytometry technologies and analysis approaches



Monday - introduction of high-dimensional cytometry technologies and analysis approaches



Tuesday - data analysis with large datasets and multiple batches



  • 1400 - 1600: Stream A (beginners) - Introduction to clustering and dimensionality reduction for cytometry data (30 spots)
  • 1400 - 1600: Stream B (advanced) - Batch alignment workflow for cytometry data using Spectre in R (30 spots)

Wednesday - unique and novel analysis applications

Presentations (1000 - 1130)

  • 1000 - 1020: Name Name: Time-series analysis of inflammatory responses
  • 1020 - 1040: Name Name: Integration data from multiple cytometry technologies
  • 1040 - 1100: Name Name: Automated cellular classification using reference datasets

Workshops (1400 - 1600)